what remains to remember

Nica_Junker_posterI will present first a photo sequence I was working on the last three weeks:
“What remains to remember” and explain my thoughts and concept
http://www.maakali.org/ResidenceSEA/what-remains-to-remember-first-edit/Then I wanted to present my project “silent neighbors” a photo-booth that travels around the world to collect everyday stories (Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris, South of France) and that travels at the moment in the QuattroPole (Saarbrücken, Metz, Trier, Luxembourg) http://www.quattropole.org/de/event/144056www.silentneighbours.com and show some photos…I was working during the last three weeks as well on a music video for the band go-nogo: Markus ‘Fred’ Scholl & Eric Schemer
St. Konrad, Austria https://soundcloud.com/gonogo, and would like to shoe the music video I realized for them in January “sad” https://vimeo.com/61739971 and the work in process to the new video: things ain’t right and explain about the cooperation with the musicians in realizing the visuals for the music…To end I will show my diploma film of the HFF “Konrad Wolf” Little miss perfect https://vimeo.com/38772477 and explain about the process of filmmaking and scriptwriting for the film.
Happy to meet you all!