Remotely / 0.jpg



The project "Remotely" explores the influence of physical distance on our perception of virtual space-time and digital image. Using simple principles such as reflections, replications, camera tracking, delay and reverberation the artists turn the gallery space into an organism responsive to the presence of observers. The observer becomes a part of the art installations, through subjective decisions. Remotely consists of three installations:
- A misplaced wall,
- define realtime, and
- Time repeats in itself
The installations use elements from computer networks, such as instability of space, multiple personalities, heautoscopia,simultaneous self replicating images, connection traffic. These elements are used as a source of artistic creation; the physical space and the emotional distance between the information transmitter and receiver is used in a performative fashion. .: more info :.

art review: Art review by Maarten Steenhagen

concept and realization: Michela Pelusio & Dorota Walentynowicz.
programming support: Mirko Lazovic, Marnix Dekker
production: Kunsthuis SYB (
documentation: Denis Guzzo (

The lecture by invited speaker dr Gabriele Lenzini (Aw@reness: the opportunities and risks in the e-communication era) is posted on Vimeo.

Remotely / Syb_website_snapshot.jpg

Remotely / locationSYB.jpg